Other packages

Tested with

  • gcc4.9, gcc5.4 on a linux system

  • gcc4.8 on a Mac (El Capitan OSX 10.11)

The following packages are needed for NEMO and XIOS and they may need to be installed or configured accordingly. I don’t have a windows machine handy (and I don’t really want to try it there either) so for that I would recommend doing the following through virtualbox or something analogous (which might be another way to do it on a Mac); I am guessing cygwin and the new Windows 10 terminals might be a possibility.


I would suggest trying the following in reverse order of effort required:

  1. Get someone who knows what they are doing to do it for you! Compiling the following from scratch is not the most interesting activity and is actually quite fiddly (especially the HDF5 and NetCDF4 stuff)…if you don’t have access to people who can do that, then try

  2. Doing it through anaconda. There you are somewhat restricted to a certain set of compilers (gcc 4.8) but anaconda sorts out the dependencies for you. The only thing then you need to do is to force XIOS and NEMO to use the libraries within the anaconda installation. Failing that…

  3. Do it from scratch. I’m sorry and good luck; see below for some notes to possibly ease your pain.


Anaconda is a framework mostly for downloading Python packages, with the added advantage that it resolves the package dependencies for you (cf. apt, yum on a Linux machine or port on a Mac if you have MacPorts). See the official conda manual or some of my own notes on some things to do with installing and managing conda. I used the full anaconda with Python 3.6 but you could use miniconda or with other pythons probably.


[20 May 2020] Doing it through anaconda may well only work for Mac, because the gfortran versions does not seem to be available with linux through anaconda…

First I created an environment so all the changes only apply in that environment:

conda create -n nemo python=3.6

Accept to install the basic packages for the environment. Then activate the nemo environment with

>> julian@psyduck:~/
source activate nemo
>> (nemo) julian@psyduck:~/

Now if you have compilers you want to use already then you can skip the compiler installation. On the Mac I was dealing with there was no gcc or a Fortran compiler and I had problems with clang, so I did the following to get a set of gcc compilers:

conda install gcc
conda install gfortran_osx-64

The second line you should change to gfortran_linux-64 if on a Linux machine. The command will add some compiler flags that is unset when exiting from the environment. Check that the compilers are the now default compilers by doing gcc --version (which should probably give 4.8) and which gcc (which should point to the anaconda folder). If not, do something like echo CC and export CC=/folder/bin to force it to point to the right folder (also do it for FC and CXX, and maybe put it in the $PATH variable; see below).


One thing I found to be an issue is that while gfortran can compile a sample program through gfortran hello.f90 -o hi with hello.f90 being

program hello
  print *, "hi mum"
end program hello

Executing through ./hi could throw a library complaint:

dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/libgfortran.3.dylib
Referenced from:
Reason: no suitable image found.  Did find:
      /usr/local/lib/libnetcdff.3.dylib: stat() failed with errno=13

So the problem here is that the computer is looking for the library at the wrong place. To force the computer to look at the right place, try

export FCFLAGS=-Wl,-rpath,${CONDA_PREFIX}/lib

where ${CONDA_PREFIX} might have been defined by anaconda.

If you already have the MPI capabilities bound to the compilers you will use then you can skip the following. To make life easier it is advisable to install either MPICH or OpenMPI. You could try this by

conda install -c conda-forge mpich
conda install -c conda-forge openmpi

and check whether which mpicc and in particular which mpif90, which should be pointed to the gcc compilers. I had a similar problem with gfortran not being bound properly, which could be fixed with setting FCFLAGS, or to compile it from scratch (see below for the way to do it for MPICH, which also works for OpenMPI with suitable changes in the hyperlink address; do a search for this in Google).

To get NetCDF4 and its dependencies I did

conda install netcd4
conda install -c conda-forge netcdf-fortran

Do which nc-config and nc-config --all to see which paths are being pointed to. Again, you may need to add the FCFLAGS detailed above to make sure it is pointing to the right libraries. Take note of the path where the libraries and header files live and put those into the XIOS and NEMO files and that should be it!

Compiling it yourself

(Good luck!)

The following has been tried on a Linux machine. I had some problems on a Mac with Clang that I don’t know how to fix without sudo access but it is probably fixable; I have not tried installing things with port through MacPorts partly because it requires Xcode to be installed.

A script to do all of the following on a Linux machine in one go can be found at bottom of this page. The way I went about it was to first choose a set of compilers and use the same set of compilers to install the dependencies, primarily to avoid errors relating to compatibility of packages. For example, gcc4.9 was downloaded through sudo apt-get install gcc4.9, or loaded through a network computer through something like a module load command. You may have to look it up on the internet if you don’t have either of these.


If you don’t have the right compilers you can always try and build your own from source, but it takes a while (order of hours) and can be quite fiddly. On e.g. HKUST HPC3 I needed some older compilers to play well with XIOS because the newer gcc compilers (version after 6) seems to be quite strict with the c++ code checking. To do this, I did

wget http://mirror.koddos.net/gcc/releases/gcc-5.4.0/gcc-5.4.0.tar.gz
tar -xvzf gcc-5.4.0.tar.gz
cd gcc-5.4.0/
cd ..
mkdir gcc5.4
cd gcc5.4
../gcc-5.4.0/configure --prefix=/scratch/PI/jclmak/custom_libs/gcc5.4/ --enable-languages=c,c++,fortran [--disable-multilib]
make [-j4]
make [check] install

The first line grabs a packaged version of gcc, in this case 5.4.0; I chose the x.y.0 version because I have had problems with the other versions with dependency issues with flex etc. (disclaimer: not checked overly rigourously because copmiling take soooo long). After unzipping, the 4th line downloads the per-requisite libraries into the source folder (gcc official website highly recommends you do not compile the dependencies yourselves manually).

The 6th and 7th line follows the gcc official recommendation in doing the configuring and building not in the source directory; change the --prefix to the place where you want to store the libraries, headers and binaries. The --disable-multilib flag forces it to build a 64-bit one only (I needed that on the particularly computer). Calling make will take absolutely ages (order of hours, can speed up with giving more CPUs through the -j flag) because it will do a bootstrap build (building needed dependencies from existing compiler then using the build tools to build the target compiler, then sorting out the dependencies with the newly built compilers); can disable but not recommended.

Once the compilers are built then proceed as usual. Of course if you are on a cluster you probably could/should get someone else to do this…

The order I did them in are:

  1. mpich (to bind the set of compilers to a MPI form; I chose mpich but it should work on OpenMP too)

  2. zlib (1.2.11, for HDF5)

  3. hdf5 (1.8.19, for NetCDF)

  4. netcdf ( and netcdf-fortran (4.4.4), for XIOS

Within a folder called gcc4.9-builds, I added an extra extra_variables file containing the following:

export $BD=/home/julian/testing/gcc4.9-builds # CHANGE ME

export CC=/usr/bin/gcc-4.9
export CXX=/usr/bin/g++-4.9
export FC=/usr/bin/gfortran-4.9
export F77=/usr/bin/gfortran-4.9
export CPP=/usr/bin/cpp-4.9

# if you want dynamic libraries then have this

# if you want static libraries then have these
export C_INCLUDE_PATH=$BD/install/include:$C_INCLUDE_PATH
export LIBRARY_PATH=$BD/install/lib:$LIBRARY_PATH

# not strictly required, only for overriding preferences in search for binary
export PATH=$BD/install/bin:$PATH

For my code testing it doesn’t really matter too much whether the libraries are compiled as static or dynamic because I’m not hugely concerned about performance and stability, but static is probably safer. Set the above variables by doing source extra_variables; upon closing the terminal the variables will be flushed. Some of these may want to be added to ~/.bashrc for convenience. The instructions below attempts to build shared rather than static libraries, and somewhat depends LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable being set (with the added bonus that the ldd command provides an extra check whether the correct libraries are being called). Suggestions on how to build the packages without setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH or build static packages are given below (using LD_LIBRARY_PATH can be dangerous, see e.g., here).


Do for example $CC --version or echo $CC to see what the variables are set to. If you don’t want to set the compiler variables then you need to do e.g.

CC=/usr/bin/gcc-4.9 FC= something ./configure something

where the path points to where the compiler binary lives. This then only sets the variable temporarily for the particular command.

Some or all of these may be skipped depending on which ones packages you have already installed and/or configured. The following installs all the libraries and binaries to the folder specified in $BD; if you have sudo access you install it to /usr/local, although I have found this can be very problematic if you need to remove the libraries (I’ve bricked my computer once)… The sub-directories in the folder are:

  • source, where all the compressed files are going to live;

  • build, where all the source file folders are going to live

  • install, where all the compiled libraries, binaries and header files are going to live.

source and build can be deleted later.


The binaries built here will not register by default unless it is added to the $PATH variable. If you are going to add to the $PATH variable, the one that gets registered first gets priority, i.e.

echo $PATH
> /home/julian/testing/gcc4.9-builds/install/bin:/usr/local/bin

means any binaries in /home/julian/testing/gcc4.9-builds/install/bin gets used first. Do this by adding to ~/.bashrc the following:

export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH

If you don’t do this then it just means when you call the binaries you have to provide an explicit call, e.g., /home/julian/testing/gcc4.9/build/bin/mpif90. Do for example which mpif90 to check what the mpif90 is linked to; if you did add to $PATH then the which command above should point to the right binary.


Check if there are any MPI capabilities and which compilers they are bound to:

mpicc --version
which mpicc

If you have these already they may not need to be installed. If they need to be installed separately for whatever reason, then you could do the following. I took the source files from the MPICH website itself and chose v3.0.4 here. Being in the $BD folder, I did:

cd $BD/source/
wget http://www.mpich.org/static/downloads/3.0.4/mpich-3.0.4.tar.gz
cd $BD/build/
tar -xvzf $BD/source/mpich-3.0.4.tar.gz
cd mpich-3.0.4
./configure prefix=$BD/install/
make -j 2
make check install

Within install/ there should now be some folders that can be pointed to for the binaries, libraries and header files to include for later installations.


The ./configure prefix= step requires an absolute (not relative) path for the installation folder.

zlib and HDF5

Check whether HDF5 exists first (may still need to be installed again for compatibility reasons). h5copy is the command that should exist if HDF5 is installed:

which h5copy
h5copy --version

If you still want to install both zlib and HDF5, then do the following (following the instructions on the Unidata UCAR website). The raw files are taken from the HDF5 website using HDF5 v1.8.19. Again, with $BD as defined (don’t include -fPIC or --enabled-shared if you want the libraries to be static):

cd $BD/source/
wget http://www.zlib.net/zlib-1.2.11.tar.gz
cd $BD/build/
tar -xvzf $BD/source/zlib-1.2.11.tar.gz
cd zlib-1.2.11
CFLAGS=-fPIC ./configure --prefix=$BD/install/
make -j 2
make check install

cd $BD/source/
wget https://support.hdfgroup.org/ftp/HDF5/releases/hdf5-1.8/hdf5-1.8.19/src/hdf5-1.8.19.tar.gz
cd $BD/build/
tar -xvzf $BD/source/hdf5-1.8.19.tar.gz
cd hdf5-1.8.19
#CPPFLAGS=-I$BD/install/include LDFLAGS=-L$BD/install/lib \
CFLAGS=-fPIC ./configure --enable-shared --enable-fortran --enable-cxx
make -j 2
make check install
cd $BD


If LD_LIBRARY_PATH is set then zlib should be detected by the HDF5 install. If not, consider including the commented out CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS line (the --with-zlib command no longer works in the newer HDF5).

HDF5 checking and installation can take a while. If it’s more that 30 mins however it probably has crashed.

If a shared build option was on, then you can do ldd h5copy (or wherever h5copy is installed at if the directory has not been added to $PATH) to check that libhdf5 does point to where you think it should point to. If it isn’t, then try the first point in this note.

If an error shows up saying recompile with -fPIC, then trying doing a static build. Replace --enable-shared with --disable-shared and do the first point in this note, possibly adding LIBS="-lz -lhdf5 etc.; see here for a guide.


Check whether NetCDF4 exists first (may still need to be installed again for compatibility reasons). nc-config is the command that should exist if NetCDF4 is installed, and shows where it is installed and what compilers were used to build it.

nc-config all

If you still want to install it, then do the following (following the instructions on the Unidata UCAR website). The raw files are taken from the the NetCDF4 website, using netcdf v4.4.1.1 and netcdf-fortran v4.4.4 (don’t include -fPIC or --enabled-shared if you want the libraries to be static):

cd $BD/source/
wget ftp://ftp.unidata.ucar.edu/pub/netcdf/netcdf-
cd $BD/build/
tar -xvzf $BD/source/netcdf-
cd netcdf-
#CPPFLAGS=-I$BD/install/include LDFLAGS=-L$BD/install/lib \
./configure --enable-netcdf4 --enable-shared --prefix=$BD/install/
make -j 2
make check install

cd $BD/source/
wget ftp://ftp.unidata.ucar.edu/pub/netcdf/netcdf-fortran-4.4.4.tar.gz
cd $BD/build/
tar -xvzf $BD/source/netcdf-fortran-4.4.4.tar.gz
cd netcdf-fortran-4.4.4
#CPPFLAGS=-I$BD/install/include LDFLAGS=-L$BD/install/lib \
./configure --enable-shared --prefix=$BD/install/
make -j 2
make check install
cd $BD


NetCDF4 checking and installation can take a while. If it’s more that 30 mins however it probably has crashed.

If a shared build option was on, then you can do ldd ncdump (or wherever ncdump was installed if the directory has not been added to $PATH) and check that libnetcdf, libhdf5 and libz really does point to where you think it should point to. If not, consider doing something similar to the HDF5 note above.

If an error shows up saying recompile with -fPIC, then trying doing a static build (I had this problem on one of the computers where the Fortran part is static). See HDF5 note above.

I had a problem with not having the m4 package, which I just installed as the installation commands above, with the binaries found from wget ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/m4/m4-1.4.10.tar.gz. This is not in the script below.

This should be it! Try ./install/bin/nc-config --all and/or ./install/bin/nf-config --all to see where everything is configured. The things in build/ and source/ may now be deleted.

Combined shell script

A script that does all of the above in one go may be found in the following commands (use at your own risk):

mkdir gcc4.9-builds/               # CHANGE ME
cd gcc4.9-builds/                  # CHANGE ME
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/julianmak/NEMO-related/master/docs/compilation_notes/compile_dependencies.sh
chmod +x compile_dependencies.sh

Before you execute the shell script with ./compile_dependencies.sh, make sure the compilers are pointed to appropriately. You can do this in ~/.bashrc (see first code block on this page) or within the shell script itself (it is commented out at the moment). If some packages already exist and you don’t want them installed, comment the appropriate lines.