For various reasons (mostly personal preference and forcing myself to write in Python) I made a translation of sorts of CDFTOOLS in Python. pyCDFTOOLS I think is:

  • slightly more flexible, e.g., no need to recompile if variable name changes between files

  • saves on the creation and reading of files

  • everything done within Python, rather than Fortran and MATLAB say

  • marginally more up-to-date, e.g. dealings with TEOS-10 equation of state

On the other hand, it is

  • not as complete, because I only translated ones that I needed (see here for list)…

  • not as established and probably slightly error prone

  • not as fast (though things that I could not vectorise I used JIT to speed up the looping)

  • not NEMO code compliant (CDFTOOLS is designed to conform to NEMO code conventions)

An additional criticism I have is that I wrote pyCDFTOOLS more like Fortran/MATLAB and not making full use of the Python functionalities (e.g., Panda and so forth). I have some idea how I might get it to work but watch this space…

The routine naming conventions of the programs are basically the same as CDFTOOLS (see MEOM page). All codes with the prefix cdf are based on CDFTOOLS; all errors are entirely mine (any things I did change are commented in the code).

Grab it with:

git clone

Some slightly more configuration/model specific Python scripts and notebooks are in other folders (e.g., GYRE and ORCA). I tend to just do

rsync -arv ../pyCDFTOOLS .

which then means the scripts and notebooks within the folder have access to the module, and it separates out a version that I do testing on.

CDFTOOLS itself depends on the following packages (the things I think that come as standard are omitted):

  • numba (for JIT to speed up loops)

  • numpy (for tools)

  • netCDF4 (for reading)

  • scipy (for the occasional times when a MATLAB file is read)

The configuration specific programs depend additionally on Matplotlib and a whole load of other ones for the ORCA configuration; see the relevant pages. I installed most of the things through Anaconda; see the Python page here for my notes on these.

Use these scripts at your own risk and feel free to modify them (rights etc. as stated in the license and in line with the CDFTOOLS one). For comparison purposes you may also want to grab CDFTOOLS to compare results (see the CDFTOOLS page):

git clone


The programs I have uploaded I was satisfied enough with the tests I have done, but don’t just take my word for it :-)